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Garden Soil


Biochar is an environmentally beneficial carbon-based soil amendment that has been utilized by indigenous groups to promote healthy soils and crops. Farmers using biochar can boost near-term yield horizon by +15% first year and up to +25% in the following years.

Supplementing the Soil

Biochar is black carbon produced from agricultural and green waste.  We transform that waste into a more stable form of carbon that serves as one of the greatest and oldest soil amendment products known to humankind.  Biochar has been used as a soil supplement for thousands of years.  In the Amazon basin biochar called “Terra Preta” (dark earth) was created by indigenous people for soil health.


A Sustainable Product for Regenerative Agriculture


The Leader in Biochar

We transform agricultural waste into high-quality biochar with many impactful applications.   Our first of many proposed Yummet global production facilities is being established in Hawai'i to produce thousands of tonnes of biochar a year.  Our aim is to be the largest distributor and trusted brand of biochar in Hawai'i.   Through program 808/336, the USDA has set aside funding and is now reimbursing agricultural application of our Biochar.  We are working in Hawai’i with the local NRCS and Extension Agents of UofH so that Hawaiian farmers can benefit from the Federal USDA Program. To find out more and pre-order, click here.

Visionary Leadership

Benefits of Biochar

Biochar offers many benefits as a carbon-based soil amendment.  Biochar increases water infiltration & water holding capacity and has been proven to reduce water use between 30-67%.  Some farmers have seen crop yield increases from 10% up to 880% from using biochar.  It also greatly increases adsorption of fertilizer and prevents nutrient loss while improving soil pH buffering and stability.  By promoting healthy microbial life, biochar results in healthy plants with resistance to disease and enhanced, denser root development.  Additional benefits are that it binds toxic elements in soil, greatly reducing runoff to oceans and groundwater and provides for increased cation exchange capacity (CEC).  The economic benefit of biochar is apparent from the reduction in the amount of needed fertilizers, reduced amount of needed water, and increases yield.

Lettuce Farm

Rebalancing the Carbon on Our Planet

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